Course Sentences/Arabic/Guidebook
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🇸🇦 العربية 🇸🇦
Duolingo Arabic Guidebook
Unit 18: Express food preferences, find a bus station
Express food preferences
هَل هُناك فَلافِل؟ | Is there falafel? |
لَيْسَ هُناك فَلافِل. | There is no falafel. |
مَن يُريد اَلْخُبْز؟ | Who wants the bread? |
سامْية تُريد اَلْخُبْز. | Samia wants the bread. |
يا عُمَر هَل تُحِبّ اَلْعَصير وَهَل تُريد عَصيراً؟ | Omar, do you like juice and do you want juice? |
لا أُحِبّ اَلْعَصير وَلا أُريد عَصيراً. | I do not like juice and I do not want juice. |
Find a bus station
لا يَعْرِفون مَتى يَنْطَلِق اَلْباص. | They do not know when the bus leaves. |
اَلْباص يَنْطَلِق في ٱلْسّاعة ٱلْواحِدة. | The bus leaves at one o'clock. |
هَل اَلْمَوْقِف بَعيد عَن هُنا؟ | Is the stop far from here? |
اَلْمَوْقِف بَعيد لِلْأَسَف. | The stop is far, unfortunately. |
أَيْن اَلْمَوْقِف؟ | Where is the stop? |
لا أَعْرِف أَيْن اَلْمَوْقِف. | I do not know where the stop is. |