Course Sentences/German/Guidebook

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Duolingo German Guidebook

Unit 1: Order in a cafe, describe your family

Unit 2: Use adjectives, greet people

Unit 3: Order in a restaurant

Unit 4: Say where you're from, talk about work

Unit 5: Use the present tense

Unit 6: Ask for directions

Unit 7: Speak formally, shop at a market

Unit 8: Describe the weather

Unit 9: Use the accusative case, describe language skills

Unit 10: Talk about hobbies

Unit 11: Use modals, describe a new apartment

Unit 12: Talk about shopping

Unit 13: Discuss train travel, order at a restaurant

Unit 14: Use commands

Unit 15: Talk about birthdays, make plans to go out

Unit 16: Give health advice

Unit 17: Use adverbs

Unit 18: Discuss Oktoberfest, use ordinal numbers

Unit 19: Describe shared housing

Unit 20: Discuss hotel stays

Unit 21: Refer to extended family, talk about food likes

Unit 22: Form verbs

Unit 23: Plan to travel abroad

Unit 24: Discuss a new job, talk about your habits

Unit 25: Pack for a vacation

Unit 26: Plan dinner, use complex verbs

Unit 27: Argue with a roommate

Unit 28: Use the dative case, plan a barbecue

Unit 29: Use the accusative case

Unit 30: Form compound words, invite someone to a party

Unit 31: Describe preferences

Unit 32: Use dative pronouns, form comparative adjectives

Unit 33: Make excuses

Unit 34: Ask for help, express opinions

Unit 35: Discuss holiday plans

Unit 36: Describe item locations, discuss a bad day

Unit 37: Form the past tense

Unit 38: Use large numbers, describe your vacation

Unit 39: Discuss routines

Unit 40: Talk about pets, share gossip

Unit 41: Help find a lost passport


Help find a lost passport

Oh nein, ich habe meinen Pass verloren! Oh no, I lost my passport!
Warum verlierst du immer deine Sachen? Why do you always lose your things?
Komm, sei nicht gemein, lass uns den Pass zusammen suchen. Come on, don't be mean, let's look for the passport together.
Ich gebe auf, ich kann den Pass nicht finden. I am giving up, I can't find the passport.
Wir können noch oben suchen. We can still look upstairs.
Dein Pass war in der Schublade. Your passport was in the drawer.

I’m already pretty tired...

An umlaut can make quite a difference! The word schon means "already", but schön means "pretty"!

Ich schlafe schon.

​|I am already sleeping.

Der Ring ist schön.​ The ring is pretty.

Practice the difference so you don’t say the wrong word!

  • schon​: as in “home”
  • schön: similar to “hurt”

For the ö sound, try saying a (as in father), then round your lips like you’re drinking from a straw!