Course Sentences/Czech/Guidebook
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Duolingo Czech Guidebook
Unit 14: Say what's happening, use numbers
Say what's happening
Matěji, jak vypadám? | Matěj, how do I look? |
Vypadáš dobře. | You look good. |
Bydlíme u hradu. | We live by the castle. |
Ten kůň neběží příliš rychle. | That horse is not running too fast. |
Kde to cítíte? | Where do you feel it? |
Učím ji číst. | I am teaching her to read. |
Use numbers
Co jsi dělala v osm hodin? | What were you doing at eight o'clock? |
František už měl šest manželek! | František has already had six wives! |
Dělá tady už sedm roků. | He has been working here for seven years. |
Bylo jich devět? | Were there nine of them? |
Bydlelo jich tam deset nebo jedenáct. | Ten or eleven of them lived there. |
Znám ji od svých patnácti let. | I have known her since I was fifteen years old. |