Course Sentences/Czech/Guidebook

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🇨🇿 Čeština 🇨🇿

Duolingo Czech Guidebook

Unit 14: Say what's happening, use numbers


Say what's happening

Matěji, jak vypadám? Matěj, how do I look?
Vypadáš dobře. You look good.
Bydlíme u hradu. We live by the castle.
Ten kůň neběží příliš rychle. That horse is not running too fast.
Kde to cítíte? Where do you feel it?
Učím ji číst. I am teaching her to read.

Use numbers

Co jsi dělala v osm hodin? What were you doing at eight o'clock?
František už měl šest manželek! František has already had six wives!
Dělá tady už sedm roků. He has been working here for seven years.
Bylo jich devět? Were there nine of them?
Bydlelo jich tam deset nebo jedenáct. Ten or eleven of them lived there.
Znám ji od svých patnácti let. I have known her since I was fifteen years old.