
हिन्दी / اُردُو‎ – 2018-01-03

सभी मनुष्यों को गौरव और अधिकारों के मामले में जन्मजात स्वतन्त्रता और समानता प्राप्त है।

उन्हें बुद्धि और अन्तरात्मा की देन प्राप्त है और परस्पर उन्हें भाईचारे के भाव से बर्ताव करना चाहिए।


अधिकारों adhikaarom rights
अन्तरात्मा antraatmaa conscience, inner spirit
उन्हें unhẽ polite dative of वे [वे]
और aur and
करना karnā to do to make, create to cause to become, to render to commit to perform
की kii of belonging to concerning made of, consisting of
के ke [possessive particle] [का]
को ko marks the dative case: to marks the locative case in, at the time of
गौरव gaurav honour, glory
चाहिए cāhie should, ought to [चाहना]
जन्मजात janmajāt innate, from birth
देन den giving gift contribution
परस्पर paraspar with one another mutual
प्राप्त prāpt obtained, found befallen
बर्ताव bartāv behaviour, conduct; treatment
बुद्धि buddhi intelligence
भाईचारे bhaiicaare brotherhood
भाव bhāv existence, being rate, price emotion, feeling disposition, character, nature opinion, sentiment manner, way intent, meaning soul, spirit
मनुष्यों manushyom humans
मामले maamle case
में mẽ in, inside of within into during for the price of between, among
सभी sabhī all
समानता samāntā equality similarity
से se instrumental-case postposition. indicates association or mutual dealing: by; with; to indicates a sense of removal or going: from comparative postposition: than indicates passage of time . indicates means or agency indicates manner of doing; forms adverbs
स्वतन्त्रता svatantrata independence
है hẽ is, are [होना]

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