𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2024-04-22 (Lesson 2 Exercise 1 – Answers)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 1

Answers to Exercise 1

(See Vocabulary)

    • 𒁁𒂖𒊭𒈨𒂊𒅇𒅕𒍢𒁴
      be-el ša-me-e ù er-ṣe-tim.
      bēl šamê u erṣetimlord of heaven and earth

    • 𒀀𒊏𒀭𒁲𒉏
      a-ra-an di-nim.
      aran dīnimthe penalty of a case (???)

    • 𒄿𒈾𒋡𒀜 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
      i-na qa-at mār a-wi-lim.
      ina qāt mār awīlimin the hand of the son of the man

    • 𒀸𒊭𒀜𒀀𒉿𒅆
      aš-ša-at a-wi-lim
      aššat awīlimthe man’s wife

    • 𒀸𒊭𒍪
      aššasuhis wife

    • 𒀴𒂍𒃲
      warad ekallim.
      warad ēkallim a slave of the palace

    • 𒈗𒈪𒊭𒊑𒅎
      šàr mi-ša-ri-im.
      šar mīšarimthe king of justice

    • 𒇷𒅁𒁉 𒀭𒀫𒌓
      li-ib-bi dMarduk.
      libbi Marduk (?) – Marduk’s heart

    • 𒆰𒁕𒌷𒌝𒊭𒊹𒊒𒁴
      zērum da-rí-um ša šar-ru-tim.
      zērum dārûm ša šarrūtimthe everlasting seed of the kingship

    • 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆𒍢𒄴𒊏𒄠
      mār a-wi-lim ṣe-eḫ-ra-am.
      mār awīlim ṣeḫram.the man’s little son (accus.)

    • 𒊭𒇻𒍑𒋾𒅅𒅆
      ša-lu-uš-ti eqlim.
      šalušti eqlim.one third of the field

    • 𒍢𒁀𒍪
      ṣibassu.his interest

    • 𒀉𒋾𒁁𒂖𒋾𒊭
      it-ti be-el-ti-ša.
      itti bēltiša.with her mistress

    • 𒁁𒇷𒍝
      bēlessaher mistress

    • 𒂊𒇷𒂠
      elīšuon it

    • 𒀉𒋾𒋗𒉡
      ittišunuwith them

    • 𒊑𒌑𒋛𒈾
      rē’ûssinatheir shepherdship

    • 𒁁𒂖𒉌
      bēlniour lord

    • 𒄊𒉻𒁺𒀴𒀀𒉿𒅆
      eṣemti warad a-wi-lim.
      eṣemti warad awīlimthe bone(s) of the man’s slave

    • 𒋳𒋗𒍢𒊏𒄠
      šum-šu ṣi-ra-am.
      šumšu ṣīramhis exalted name

    • 𒄿𒈾𒇷𒅁𒁉𒋗
      i-na li-ib-bi-šu.
      ina libbišuin his heart

    • 𒀀𒈾𒁁𒉌𒋗
      a-na be-lí-šu.
      ana bēlišuto his lord

    • 𒂍𒍪
      bīs-sú (É-sú).
      bīssuhis house

    • 𒄩𒆷𒋗
      zittašuhis share

    • 𒀀𒈾𒀸𒊭𒋾𒋗
      a-na aš-ša-ti-šu.
      ana aššatišuto his wife

    • 𒀀𒉿𒋾𒅀𒋗𒄣𒊏𒁴
      a-wa-ti-ia šu-qú-ra-tim.
      awātija šūquratimmy precious words

    • 𒁲𒉌
      dīnīmy judgment, my legal case

    • 𒈠𒍪
      māssuhis land

    • 𒀀𒈾𒉌𒅆𒋗
      a-na ni-ši-šu.
      ana nišīšuto his people

    • 𒅕𒊑𒋳
      errēšuma farmer

    • 𒅕𒊑𒋢
      erressuhis curse

    • 𒁁𒂖𒄷𒌌𒆥𒅎
      be-el ḫu-ul-qí-im.
      bēl ḫulqimthe owner of the lost object

    • 𒄷𒇻𒊌𒋗
      ḫuluqšuhis lost object


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