𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2024-04-25 (Lesson 2 Exercise 2 – Answers – NO RUBY)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Answers to Exercise 2

(See Vocabulary)

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  • the man’s son
    • mār awīlim
      • 𒌉𒇽; 𒈠𒅈𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • with the man’s son
    • itti mār awīlim
      • 𒀉𒋾𒌉𒇽; 𒀉𒋾𒈠𒅈𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • his son
    • mārušu
      • 𒈠𒊒𒋗; 𒌉𒋗
  • with his son
    • itti mārišu
      • 𒀉𒋾𒈠𒊑𒋗; 𒀉𒋾 𒌉𒋗
  • the man’s brother
    • aḫi awīlim
      • 𒀀𒄭𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒋀 𒇽
  • the man’s work
    • šipir awīlim
      • 𒅆𒉿𒅕𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒆥 𒇽
  • the man’s gift
    • nidinti awīlim
      • 𒉌𒁲𒅔𒋾𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒃻𒋧𒈬 𒇽
  • the man’s wife
    • aššat awīlim
      • 𒀸𒊭𒀜𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒁮 𒇽
  • the man’s dwelling
    • šubat awīlim
      • 𒋗𒁀𒀜𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒆠𒆪 𒇽
  • his tablet
    • ṭuppušu
      • 𒁾𒁍𒋗; 𒁾𒋗
  • their seal
    • kunukkašunu, kunukkašina
      • 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗𒋗𒉡, 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗𒅆𒈾; 𒁾𒋗𒉡, 𒁾𒅆𒈾
  • your heart
    • libbaka (m.s.), libbaki (f.s.); libbakunu (m.pl.), libbakina (f.pl.)
      • 𒊮𒅗, 𒊮𒆠; 𒊮𒆪𒉡, 𒊮𒆠𒈾 /𒇷𒅁𒁀𒅗 &c.
  • our maker
    • bānini
      • 𒁀𒀀𒉌𒉌, 𒁀𒉌𒉌
  • her son
    • māruša
      • 𒌉𒊭; 𒈠𒀀𒊒𒊭
  • my brother
    • aḫī
      • 𒋀𒄿; 𒀀𒄭𒄿
  • his father
    • abušu
      • 𒀜𒋗, 𒀀 𒁀𒋗, 𒀊 𒁀𒋗; 𒀀 𒁍𒋗
  • my possession
    • bīšī
      • 𒁉𒄿𒅆𒄿, 𒁉𒅆
  • their bones
    • eṣemtišunu (m.pl.), eṣemtišina (f.pl.)
      • 𒄊𒉻𒁺𒋗𒉡, 𒄊𒉻𒁺𒅆𒈾; 𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾𒋗𒉡, 𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾𒅆𒈾
  • my word
    • awātī
      • 𒅗𒄿; 𒀀𒉿𒀀𒋾𒄿, 𒀀𒉿𒋾𒄿
  • her small queen
    • šarrassa ṣeḫertum
      • 𒃽𒊓 𒌉, 𒊩𒈗𒊓 𒌉; 𒊬𒊏𒊍𒊓𒍢𒄭𒅕𒌈
  • with my share
    • itti zittija
      • 𒀉𒋾 𒄩𒆷𒅀; 𒀉𒋾𒍣𒀉𒋾𒅀
  • his tenant farmer
    • errēššu (?) [ errēšušu ?]
      • 𒇽𒀳𒇲𒋗; 𒅕𒊑𒌍𒋗


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