Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)
Lesson 2
Exercise 3
[p. 23]
(See corresponding Vocabulary)
- 𒀀𒉿𒈝
- 𒄿𒈾 𒂍𒀀𒉿𒅆
- 𒀉𒋾 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
- 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒀜 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
- 𒀴𒂍𒃲
- 𒀀𒈾𒂍𒅀
- 𒄿𒈾𒂍𒃲𒅀
- 𒀀𒊏𒀭𒀀𒉿𒅆
- 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒋾𒅀
- 𒀀𒈾𒀀𒉿𒋾𒅀
[p. 23]
(See corresponding Vocabulary)
(See Vocabulary)
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[p. 23]
(See corresponding Vocabulary)
Translate into Akkadian:
[p. 23]
(See corresponding Vocabulary)
Normalize and translate: