Tag Archives: help

(to) help (de): Hilfe, helfen – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25


  • Lass mich dir helfen, dann geht es schneller. – “Let me help you, so it goes faster.”
  • Nimm Fixauxilin, das hilft sofort! – “Have a Fixauxilin, it helps immediately!”
  • „In alten Zeiten, als das Wünschen noch geholfen hat …“ – “In the old times, when wishing still helped, …”
  • „Der Mann, dem niemand half, half sich allein.“ – “The man, whom noone would help, helped himself alone.”
  • Dumm kann der Mensch sein, er muss sich nur zu helfen wissen. – “A man can be stupid, he only has to know how to help himself.”
  • Es war eine große Hilfe. – “It was a great help.”
  • Ich brauche dringend Hilfe! – “I need urgent help!”
  • Als sein Konto überzogen war, bekam er eine Hilfe von seinen Eltern. – “As his account was overdrawn, he received help from his parents.”
  • Das Land wird seine Hilfen an den Nachbarstaat einstellen müssen. – “The country will need to provide help to the neighbouring state.”
  • Sie bekommt für die Hilfen, auf die sie seit der Operation angewiesen ist, finanzielle Unterstützung von der Stiftung. – “She receives financial support from the foundation as help on which she depends for the operation.”
  • Ach, ich hätte so gerne eine Hilfe im Haushalt. – “Ah, how I would like some help with the housework.”
  • Schau doch mal in der Hilfe nach, was da zu „error 101“ steht. – “Look up in the help (manual), what ‘error 101’ stands for.”
  • Die Stute reagierte prompt auf die Hilfen. – “The mare reacted promptly to the help.”


(to) help (fr): aide, aider – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25


  • En triant mes déchets, j’aide au recyclage. – “By sorting my garbage, I support recycling.”
  • J’aide mon frère à porter ses cartons. – “I help my brother to carry boxes.”
  • Elle aide souvent les sans-abris. – “She frequently helps the homeless”
  • Cette méthode aide la mémoire. – “This method helps memory.”
  • Il s’aide de la rampe pour monter l’escalier. – “He climbs the ladder with the help of a ramp.”
  • Aidez-vous les uns les autres. – “Help each other!”
  • Vous ne vous aidez pas: vous restez inactif. – “You don’t help yourself: you stay inactive.”
  • J’ai besoin de votre aide. – “I need your help.”
  • Votre protection est sa seule aide. – “Your protection is her only help.”
  • Il n’aurait pas réussi sans l’aide de telle machine. – “He wouldn’t have managed without the help of such machine.”




(to) help (eo): helpi, helpo – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25


  • Ĉu vi povus helpi min? Mi estas perdita. – “Could you help me? I’m lost.”
  • Helpi al aliaj signifas helpi sin mem. – “To help others is to help oneself”
  • Ni devas helpi al tiuj, kiuj ne povas mem helpi al si. – “We must help all those who can’t help themselves.”
  • Ni ne povas helpi ĉiun, sed ĉiu povas helpi iun.  – “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”
  • Mi akceptis helpi la maljunan virinon. – “I consented to help the old lady.”
  • Kun helpo vi iros ĉien, sen helpo nenien. – “With help you will go anywhere; without help, nowhere.”
  • Mi dankemas pro via helpo. – “I’m grateful for your help.”


(to) help (中文): 幫忙 (ㄅㄤ ㄇㄤˊ – bāngmáng); 幫助 (ㄅㄤ ㄓㄨˋ – bāngzhù) – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25

  • 無論是甚麼人請他幫忙,他也會幫忙
  • [wúlúnshì shénme rén qǐng tā bāngmáng , tā yě huì bāngmáng。]
  • “He helps whoever asks him to help.”
  • 幫忙。 / 帮忙
  • [bāngbāng máng ā 。]
  • “Please help!”
  • 他不知道該怎麼做,於是便找我幫忙。 / 他不知道该怎么做,于是便找我帮忙
  • [tā bùzhī dào gāi zěnme zuò , yúshì biàn zhǎo wǒ bāngmáng 。]
  • “Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help.”
  • 如果沒有他幫忙,她大概已經失敗了吧。 / 如果没有他帮忙,她大概已经失败了吧
  • [rúguǒ méiyǒu tā bāngmáng , tā dàgài yǐjīng shībài le ba 。]
  • “She would have failed without his help.”
  • 你可以幫忙找找嗎? / 你可以帮忙找找吗
  • nǐ kěyǐ bāngmáng zhǎozhao ma ?
  • Could you help me to find it?

(to) help (sq): ndihmë, ndihmoj – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25

  • Unë do të të ndihmoj. – “I will help you.”
  • Më ler të të ndihmoj. – “Let me help you.”
  • A keni nevojë për ndihmë? – “Do you need help?”
  • Për ndihmë kontakto: 12.3456.7890. – “For help, contact: 12.3456.7890”
  • Si mund t’ju ndihmojmë? – “How can we help?”
  • Qendra ku mund të kërkoni ndihmë:… – “Centers where you can get help:…”
  • Kërkoni ndihmë apo këshillim, nëse partneri juaj ju keqtrajton fizikisht. – “Ask for help or advice if your partner mistreats you physically.”
  • Unë do të nxitoje për t’i dhënë ndihmën e parë. – “I would rush to give first aid.”


(to) help (ru): помощь; помогать, помочь – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25

  • помощь [ˈpoməɕː]: содействование кому-либо или чему-либо; действия или средства, облегчающие, упрощающие что-либо.
  • помогать [pəmɐˈɡatʲ]: содействовать чему-то или способствовать чьей-то деятельности.
  • помочь [pɐˈmot͡ɕ]: облегчить кому-либо выполнение какого-нибудь дела или выход из нежелательной ситуации.

(to) help (el): βοήθεια, βοηθώ – Word of the Day – 2014-09-25

  • βοήθεια /vɔ.ˈi.θi.a/: η ενέργεια που στοχεύει στην υποστήριξη, στην ενίσχυση, στην προστασία ή στην ανακούφιση κάποιου.
  • βοηθώ: προσφέρω βοήθεια σε κάποιον, συμβάλλω στην προσπάθειά του να καταφέρει κάτι, διευκολύνω μια ενέργειά του, του προσφέρω υποστήριξη.