Category Archives: rnkmt.𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖

L’égyptien ancien est une langue chamito-sémitique autrefois parlée dans l’Égypte antique et écrite au moyen des hiéroglyphes. Aujourd’hui éteinte, elle a cependant donné naissance à la langue copte, écrite au moyen de l’alphabet copte, langue liturgique qui a cessé d’être utilisée comme langue vivante.

𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 – 2017-05-29

From Gardiner’s book

L. III – Sentences (p. 38-43)

    • Dd.f n.fHe said to himself

    • sn n.k qrwt Ds.snThe bolts open to you by themselves.

    • iw.n m pr.fWe are in his house

    • rS sS iw.n m pr.fThe scribe rejoices when we are in his house.

    • iw.k m sS You are a scribe.

    • iw nDs pn m sS This commoner is a scribe.

    • sDm sS The scribe hears.

    • r pn This utterance is heard.

    • He is known.

    • Dd.s n.f She says to him.

    • Dd n.f sS The scribe says to him.

    • n.f r pn This utterance is said to him.

    • iw grt ra m pt Now the sun is in the sky.

    • r pn an s This utterance is said by a man.

    • hAb.k sS Dd.f sxr.k You send the scribe that he may say your plan.

    • hAb.k sS May you send the scribe.

    • ix Dd sr Then the official will say.

    • ix D:d.k n sA.k Then you shall say to your son.