Category Archives: Føroyskt

Føroyskt – 2014-06-17

I’m still getting the gist of Faroese orthography & pronunciation. Luckily I found a lot of words transcribed into IPA in the book “An Introduction to Modern Faroese” by W. B. Lockwood.

Føroyskt IPA English
gakk  [gaʰkː] to go
bakki  [baʰcːɪ]  cliff
 koppur   [kɔʰpːʊɹ] cup
 mítt   [mʊiːʰtː]  my, mine
 batna   [ˈbaʰtna]  to improve
 líttli   [lʊiːʰtlɪ]  little one
 tómur   [ˈtɔuːmʊɹ]  empty
 óguldig   [ˈɔuːgɔldɪ]  unpaid
 hestarnir   [ˈhɛstanɪɹ]  the horses
 tilbiðja   [ˈtiːlˌbiːja]  to worship
álítandi   [ˈɔaːlʊiːtandɪ]  reliable
 ongastaðni   [ˈɔŋgastɛaːnɪ]  nowhere
 seyðafylgi   [ˈsɛijaˌfɪlɟɪ]  flock of sheep
 ótespiligur   [ˈɔuːtɛspiˌliːjʊɹ]  unpleasant
 margháttligur   [maɹˈkɔʰtlijʊɹ]  peculiar
 uppískoyti   [ʊˈpʊʃkɔjtɪ]  addition
 aloftast   [aˈlɔftast]  often
 lærarinna   [lɛaɹaˈɹinːa]  teacher
 studentur   [stuˈdɛn̥tʊɹ]  student
 forargiligur   [fɔˈɹaɹɟɪˌliːjʊɹ] annoying
 forbanna   [fɔɹˈbanːa]  to curse
 land   [land̥]  land


Noun declension in Faroese: masculine nouns

Faroese has masculine, feminine and neuter nouns. Nouns inflect for case (nominative, accusative & dative) and definiteness (indefinite & definite).

Here goes the indefinite inflection only:

Masculine noun: armur “arm”

Sing. Pl.
Nom. armur armar
Acc. arm
Dat. armi ørmum


Masculine noun: granni “neighbour”

Sing. Pl.
Nom. granni grannar
Acc. granna
Dat. grannum


From what I can see, it looks like there are two types of masculine nouns: those ending in -ur and those with other endings. The book says something about human / non-human / animate / inanimate, but I couldn’t quite understand the whole thing (the text seems to contradict the illustration, I don’t know).



After some time of consideration I decided to take on Føroyskt. I’ll be using the following material:

  • Faroese A Language Course for Beginners Grammar & Textbook (with audio)
  • An Introduction to Modern Faroese
  • Stutt mállæra

as well as the help of a colleague who lived in the Faroe Islands for some time and is willing to somehow keep his Faroese alive. I hope my knowledge of Swedish comes in handy.

Well, that means I’ll be taking Albanian, Telugu and Faroese concurrently. Sounds a lot of fun to me 🙂