Category Archives: [Tests]

Magyar – 2017-11-22

Translate these sentences:

1. Ránézett.

Correct answer:
I glanced at him.

2. Hazamegyünk.

Correct answer:
We are going home.

3. Visszajövök.

Correct answer:
I’m coming back.

4. Egyetértek.

Correct answer:
All right.

5. Levetkőzöm.

Correct answer:
I’m undressing.

6. Döntöttem.

Correct answer:
I have decided.

7. Esik.

Correct answer:
It is raining.

8. Fehér?

Correct answer:
Is it white?

9. Nevess!

Correct answer:

10. Jobb.

Correct answer:
That’s better.

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Magyar – 2017-11-05

Match the sentences:

Köszönöm! Hurry up!
Hiányzol. I love you.
Szeretlek. He is drunk.
Indulok. Thank you!
Siess! He tries.
Lelövöm! I will shoot him!
Részeg. I’m going to go.
Megpróbálja. I miss you.
Correct answers:
Köszönöm!Thank you!
Hiányzol.I miss you.
Szeretlek.I love you.
Indulok.I’m going to go.
Siess!Hurry up!
Lelövöm!I will shoot him!
Részeg.He is drunk.
Megpróbálja.He tries.
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Abañe’eng – 2017-11-03

Match the columns:

Che kyra puku. We find springs and joy everywhere.
Ykua yvu ha vy’a jahahápe jajuhu. Call the police!
Ndaikuaái. What do you want to do?
Che ndaikuaai amo karai. I work at the zoo.
Ehenói tahachi! I don’t know who that man is.
Añetehápe, nde ndaha’éi výra. I don’t know.
Amba’apo mymbarendápe. With many women, love always comes first.
Heta kuñápe guarã, mborayhu tenonde va’erã. You’re really not stupid.
Mba’e rejaposépa? I’m so fat.
Correct answers:
Che kyra puku.I’m so fat.
Ykua yvu ha vy’a jahahápe jajuhu.We find springs and joy everywhere.
Ndaikuaái.I don’t know.
Che ndaikuaai amo karai.I don’t know who that man is.
Ehenói tahachi!Call the police!
Añetehápe, nde ndaha’éi výra.You’re really not stupid.
Amba’apo mymbarendápe.I work at the zoo.
Heta kuñápe guarã, mborayhu tenonde va’erã.With many women, love always comes first.
Mba’e rejaposépa?What do you want to do?
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Čeština – 2017-10-24

Translate to Čeština:

1. I do not know his wife.

Correct answer:
Jeho ženu neznám.

2. I want their old castle.

Correct answer:
Chci jejich starý hrad.

3. He is looking for his kids.

Correct answer:
Hledá svoje děti.

4. You have your cat.

Correct answer:
Máš svoji kočku.

5. I drink my tea.

Correct answer:
Piju svůj čaj.

6. I have my husband.

Correct answer:
Mám svého muže.

7. Frantisek and Katerina like their names.

Correct answer:
František a Kateřina mají rádi svá jména.

8. His wife wants her castle.

Correct answer:
Jeho žena chce svůj hrad.

9. We take care of our kids.

Correct answer:
Staráme se o své děti.

10. I need my wife.

Correct answer:
Svou ženu potřebuju.

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Čeština – 2017-10-07

Translate these sentences:

1. Vaši dívku známe.

Correct answer:
We know your girl.

2. Potřebuju vašeho koně.

Correct answer:
I need your horse.

3. Ten cukr je pro našeho koně.

Correct answer:
That sugar is for our horse.

4. Ta osoba váš stroj neslyší.

Correct answers:
That person does not hear your machine.; That person doesn’t hear your machine.

5. Já vašeho chlapce znám.

Correct answer:
I know your boy.

6. Čeká na naše chlapce nebo na vaše?

Correct answers:
Is she waiting for our boys or for yours?; Is she waiting for our boys or yours?

7. Naše děvče znáte?

Correct answer:
Do you know our girl?

8. Neznám jejich jména.

Correct answers:
I don’t know their names.; I do not know their names.; I don’t know their name.; I do not know their name.

9. Ten osel je jeho.

Correct answer:
The donkey is his.

10. My jsme jejich děti.

Correct answers:
We are their kids.; We are their children.

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Shqip – 2017-10-03

Match the columns in Shqip and English:


A ka pije të mjaftueshme për festën? You should not buy those ugly clothes.
Po, ka shumë gjëra. The movie does start at 10pm.
Jo, dikush duhet të sjellë birrë nga dyqani. My father is not very old.
Sa kohë fillon filmi? What time does the movie start?
Filmi nuk fillon herët. Yes, there is plenty of everything.
Filmi fillon në orën dhjetë. You should buy that beautiful ring for your mother.
Cila dhuratë duhet të blej për nënën time? Are there enough drinks for the party?
Duhet ta blesh atë unazë të bukur për nënën tënde. It is going to be a present from the company.
Ju nuk duhet të blini ato rroba të shëmtuara. My father is 42.
Sa vjeç është babai juaj? It is not going to cost anything.
Babai im nuk është shumë i vjetër. No, someone must bring some beer from the store.
Babai im është dyzet e nëntë vjeç. Which present should I buy for my mother?
Sa do të kushtojë kjo veturë? How much is this car going to cost?
Nuk do të kushtojë asgjë. How old is your father?
Ajo do të jetë dhuratë nga kompania. The movie does not start early.
Correct answers:
A ka pije të mjaftueshme për festën? Are there enough drinks for the party?
Po, ka shumë gjëra. Yes, there is plenty of everything.
Jo, dikush duhet të sjellë birrë nga dyqani. No, someone must bring some beer from the store.
Sa kohë fillon filmi? What time does the movie start?
Filmi nuk fillon herët. The movie does not start early.
Filmi fillon në orën dhjetë. The movie does start at 10pm.
Cila dhuratë duhet të blej për nënën time? Which present should I buy for my mother?
Duhet ta blesh atë unazë të bukur për nënën tënde. You should buy that beautiful ring for your mother.
Ju nuk duhet të blini ato rroba të shëmtuara. You should not buy those ugly clothes.
Sa vjeç është babai juaj? How old is your father?
Babai im nuk është shumë i vjetër. My father is not very old.
Babai im është dyzet e nëntë vjeç. My father is 42.
Sa do të kushtojë kjo veturë? How much is this car going to cost?
Nuk do të kushtojë asgjë. It is not going to cost anything.
Ajo do të jetë dhuratë nga kompania. It is going to be a present from the company.
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Abañe’eng – 2017-09-21

Match the columns:

Jehecha porãite! I don’t feel like studying.
Ko’a ha’e vidéo ohechaha ha’ekuéra. Are you Chinese or Japanese?
Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton. What a beautiful sight!
Mba’érepa nde nderekarui yva ha ka’avo? Why don’t you eat vegetables?
Ndañemoaranduséi. Hello. This is Joe Carlton.
Nde piko China pegua térã Hapõ pegua? Here is the video that they watch.
Correct answers:
Jehecha porãite!What a beautiful sight!
Ko’a ha’e vidéo ohechaha ha’ekuéra.Here is the video that they watch.
Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton.Hello. This is Joe Carlton.
Mba’érepa nde nderekarui yva ha ka’avo?Why don’t you eat vegetables?
Ndañemoaranduséi.I don’t feel like studying.
Nde piko China pegua térã Hapõ pegua?Are you Chinese or Japanese?
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Kiswahili – 2017-08-30

Match the columns:

Wana matunda. Today we have a guest.
Huna mipira. They have fruit.
Hawana wazazi. You don’t have balls.
Hatuna nyama ya mbuzi. They have a table.
Wana meza. They don’t have parents.
Leo tuna mgeni. We don’t have goat meat.
Correct answers:
Wana matunda. They have fruit.
Huna mipira. You don’t have balls.
Hawana wazazi. They don’t have parents.
Hatuna nyama ya mbuzi. We don’t have goat meat.
Wana meza. They have a table.
Leo tuna mgeni.Today we have a guest.
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Tiếng Việt – 2017-08-30

Translate these expressions (colours):

1. màu da cam

Correct answer:

2. màu đen

Correct answer:

3. màu đỏ

Correct answer:

4. màu hồng

Correct answer:

5. màu nâu

Correct answer:

6. màu tía

Correct answer:

7. màu trắng

Correct answer:

8. màu vàng

Correct answer:

9. màu xám

Correct answer:

10. màu xanh lá cây

Correct answer:

11. màu xanh nước biển

Correct answer:

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Kiswahili – 2017-08-25

Match the columns:

Ana maembe. We don’t have bananas today.
Una machungwa. You have oranges.
Hana watoto. I don’t have a garden.
Sina mtoto. He has mangoes.
Hatuna ndizi leo. He doesn’t have children.
Sina bustani. I don’t have a baby.
Correct answers:
Ana maembe. He has mangoes.
Una machungwa. You have oranges.
Hana watoto. He doesn’t have children.
Sina mtoto. I don’t have a baby.
Hatuna ndizi leo. We don’t have bananas today.
Sina bustani.I don’t have a garden.
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