- àš – I
- tù – you (sing.)
- jìs – he
- jì – she
- mẽs – we
- jūs – you (pl.)
- jiẽ – they (m.)
- jõs – they (f.)
De Duolingo:
- Je mange cela. – I eat that.
- Ceci est une tomate. – This is a tomato.
- Ce sont ceux de mes enfants. – These are my children’s.
- Je veux celle qui a quatre poches. – I want the one that has four pockets.
- Ce chien est celui de mon grand-père. – This dog is my grandparent’s.
- Ceci est joli. – This is pretty.
- Je mange cela. – I eat that.
- Comme ceci? – Like this?
- Il mange cela. – He eats that.
- Ceci est un animal. – This is an animal.
- Comme ceci, vous voyez? – Like this, do you see?
- Je comprends ceci. – I understand this.
- Ceci est du lait. – This is milk.
- Ces lettres sont celles de vos enfants. – These letters are your children’s.
- Celles qui courents sont mes cousines. – Those who are running are my cousins.
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