
Čeština – 2017-10-07

Translate these sentences:

1. Vaši dívku známe.

Correct answer:
We know your girl.

2. Potřebuju vašeho koně.

Correct answer:
I need your horse.

3. Ten cukr je pro našeho koně.

Correct answer:
That sugar is for our horse.

4. Ta osoba váš stroj neslyší.

Correct answers:
That person does not hear your machine.; That person doesn’t hear your machine.

5. Já vašeho chlapce znám.

Correct answer:
I know your boy.

6. Čeká na naše chlapce nebo na vaše?

Correct answers:
Is she waiting for our boys or for yours?; Is she waiting for our boys or yours?

7. Naše děvče znáte?

Correct answer:
Do you know our girl?

8. Neznám jejich jména.

Correct answers:
I don’t know their names.; I do not know their names.; I don’t know their name.; I do not know their name.

9. Ten osel je jeho.

Correct answer:
The donkey is his.

10. My jsme jejich děti.

Correct answers:
We are their kids.; We are their children.

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