Cymraeg – 2017-11-12

O Duolingo:

Translate to Cymraeg:

my husband|y ngŵr|y ngŵr i

1. my husband

Correct answers:
y ngŵr; y ngŵr i

2. your sister

Correct answers:
dy chwaer; dy chwaer i

3. your brother

Correct answers:
dy frawd; dy frawd di

4. his aunt

Correct answers:
ei fodryb; ei fodryb e; ei fodryb o

5. her aunt

Correct answers:
ei modryb; ei modryb hi

6. her aunt

Correct answers:
ei hanti; ei hanti hi

7. their brother

Correct answers:
eu brawd; eu brawd nhw

8. your wife

Correct answers:
eich gwraig; eich gwraig chi

9. your husband

Correct answers:
eich gŵr; eich gŵr chi

10. your sister

Correct answers:
eich chwaer; eich chwaer chi

11. your brother

Correct answers:
eich brawd; eich brawd chi

12. their uncle

Correct answers:
eu hewythr; eu hewythr nhw; eu hwncl; eu hwncl nhw

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