Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)
Lesson 1
Answers to Exercise 2
(See Vocabulary)
- 𒀀𒉿𒇴
- awīlam: man (acc.)
- 𒉿𒅈𒁴
- wardim: slave (gen.)
- 𒉌𒅆𒊷𒀊𒄩𒁴
- nišī sapḫātim: scattered people (f. pl. obl.)
- 𒅈𒉆𒆏𒋫𒄠
- arnam kabtam: heavy crime/punishment
- 𒄭𒊒𒌝𒄀𒀉𒈠𒈝
- šarrum gitmālum: perfect/noble king
- 𒁍𒍑𒆠𒉿𒀸𒌅𒁴
- pušqī waštûtim: fierce difficulties
- 𒄿𒈾𒄭𒊑
- ina šarrī: among the kings, from the kings
- 𒀭𒊏𒁍𒌝
- Anum rabûm: the great Anum
- 𒀸𒋗𒌝𒅕𒊑𒁴
- aššum erretim: because of the curse
- 𒀭𒈨𒌍𒃲
- ilū rabûtum: (the) great gods
- 𒂼𒊏𒁉𒌈
- ummum rabītum: (the) great mother
- 𒄿𒈾𒋫𒄠𒄩𒊑𒅎
- ina tamḫārim: in (the) battle
- 𒆠𒈠𒄿𒊭𒁴𒄑𒍣𒁴
- kīma išātim ezzetim: like an angry fire
- 𒅕𒊑𒋫𒄠𒈠𒊒𒍑𒋫𒄠
- erretam maruštam: a painful curse (acc.)
- 𒊑𒈬𒌝𒅗𒀜𒊒𒌝
- rīmum kadrum: a fierce wild bull
- 𒈗𒁕𒉏
- šarrum dannum: a/the powerful king
- 𒀸𒋗𒌝𒍣𒅗𒊑𒅎𒊭𒉌𒅎
- aššum zikarim šanîm: because of another man; because of the second man
- 𒀀𒈾𒀸𒊑𒅎𒊭𒉌𒅎
- ana ašrim šanîm: to another place
- 𒅖𒌅𒂍
- ištu bītim: from a/the house
- 𒄿𒈾𒈠𒄴𒊑𒅎
- ina maḫrim: in/at the front