Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)
Lesson 2
𒀜, 𒀀𒁀, 𒀊𒁀; 𒀀𒁍𒌝, 𒀀𒁍 | abum, pl. abbū | father |
𒋀; 𒀀𒄷𒌝 | aḫum, pl. aḫḫū | brother |
𒁮, 𒊩, 𒊩𒁮; 𒀾𒃻𒌈, 𒀸𒊭𒌈 | aššatum, pl. aššātum | wife |
𒅗; 𒀀𒉿𒌈, 𒀀𒈠𒌈, 𒀀𒈠𒀀𒌈, 𒀀𒉿𒀀𒌈, 𒀀𒁍𒌅 | awātum, pl. awâtum | word |
𒁀𒉡𒌝 | bānium, bānûm | builder, maker, creator |
𒎏; 𒁁𒂖𒌈 | bēltum, pl. bēlētum | lady, mistress |
𒂗, 𒀭𒂗; 𒁁𒇻𒌝, 𒁁𒈝 | bēlum, pl. bēlū | lord, master, owner |
𒁉𒋗𒌝 | bīšum | possession |
𒁕𒀀𒀸 | dārium, dārûm | lasting, everlasting |
𒁲, 𒁲𒋻; 𒁲𒉡𒌝, 𒁲𒄿𒉡, 𒁲𒂊𒉡, 𒁲𒉡 | dīnum | judgment, legal case |
𒂍𒃲; 𒂊𒅗𒀠𒈝, 𒂊𒆗𒇻; 𒂍𒃲𒈝 | ēkallum, pl. ēkallātum | palace |
𒌋𒅗; 𒂊𒇷 | eli | on, upon |
𒀀𒊮, 𒃷; 𒅅𒈝 | eqlum (m.), pl. eqlētum (f.) | field, cultivated field; terrain, land, region |
𒇽𒀳𒇲; 𒅕𒊑𒂊𒋗, 𒂊𒅕𒊑𒋗, 𒅕𒊑𒋗 | errēšum, pl. errēšū | cultivator, tenant farmer |
𒆠; 𒅕𒍢𒌈; 𒆠𒌈 | erṣetum, pl. erṣētum | earth, land; underworld; ground, territory |
𒄊𒉻𒁺; 𒂊𒍣𒅎𒌈, 𒂊𒍢𒅎𒌈, 𒂊𒍢𒅎𒌅, 𒂊𒍢𒂗𒌅 | eṣemtum (f.), pl. eṣmētum | bone; skeleton |
𒄷𒌌𒆪𒌝 | ḫulqum | lost object |
𒀉; 𒄿𒁺𒌝 | idum (m./f.); pl. idū (m.), idātum (f.) | arm; side, edge, border; handle of an instrument; (measurement) span, fathom; bracelet; wing; strength |
𒅆; 𒄿𒉡𒌝 | īnum, d. īnān pl. īnū | eye; spring, well |
𒋫; 𒀉𒋾 | itti | with |
𒆕, 𒆕𒀀𒁉; 𒅗𒇻 | kalûm | all, totality, entirety, whole |
𒁾, 𒎎𒁾, 𒋃; 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒄣, 𒆪𒉡𒄣, 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒆪 | kunukkum (m.); pl. kunukkū (m.) / kunukkātum (f.) | seal, cylinder seal; impression made with a cylinder seal; sealed tablet/letter/document |
𒊮; 𒇷𒅁𒁍𒌝 | libbum, pl. libbū | heart, abdomen, womb; mind, thought, intention, wish, desire, preference; inside, inner part |
𒀭𒀫𒌓, 𒀭𒂗, 𒀭𒈩, 𒀭𒆪, 𒀭𒊮𒍪, 𒀭𒋙 | Marduk | the god Marduk |
𒌉; 𒈠𒀸, 𒈠𒊒𒌝 | mārum, pl. mārū | son |
𒆳, 𒌦, 𒈠𒁕; 𒈠𒀀𒌈, 𒈠𒀀𒌓; 𒆳𒆠𒌈 | mātum (f.); pl. mātātum | home country, native land; land (in contrast to sea), flat country (in contrast to mountain); foreign country/territory; inhabitants of a country |
𒈪𒊭𒊒𒌝 | mīšarum | justice |
𒃻𒋧𒈬; 𒉌𒁲𒅔𒌈 | nidintum, nidittum | gift |
𒋗; 𒂵𒀀𒌈 | qātum (f.); d.: qātān; pl.: qātātum | hand; care, charge, responsibility; paw |
𒃻𒁀; 𒆥𒅖𒌈 | qīštum | present, gift |
𒊑𒌑𒌈 | rē’ûtum | shepherdship |
𒉣, 𒇽𒉣, 𒈗; 𒊒𒁍𒌝, 𒊒𒁍𒌑 | rubā’um, rubûm; pl. rubû | prince; (Old Assyrian) king, ruler; nobleman, important/influential person |
𒌉, 𒌉𒁕, 𒌉𒊏; 𒍢𒄴𒊒𒌝 | ṣeḫrum; f.: ṣeḫertum | small, little; young, minor, underage; (of siblings) younger (brother/sister); (of kings) the Second; (of scribes, merchants, etc.) junior |
𒈧, 𒈧𒁉; 𒍢𒅁𒌈, 𒍢𒅁𒌅𒌝 | ṣibtum | interest (on capital) |
𒈤; 𒍢𒄿𒊒𒌝, 𒍢𒊒 | ṣīrum, f.: ṣīrtum | exalted |
𒃻𒆳; 𒊭𒀝𒉏, 𒊭𒀝𒉡𒌝, 𒊭𒀝𒉡 | šaknum | governor |
𒊭𒇻𒍑𒌈 | šaluštum | one third; a group of three |
𒀭; 𒊭𒈬𒌑, 𒃻𒈬𒌑; 𒀭𒌑 | šamā’ū, šamû (m. pl.) | sky, heavens |
𒃽, 𒊩𒈗; 𒊬𒊏𒌈 | šarratum (f.); pl. šarrātum | queen |
𒊬𒊒𒌈 | šarrūtum | kingship, royalty, monarchy |
𒆥; 𒅆𒅁𒊒𒌝 | šiprum | work, task |
𒆠𒆪, 𒆪, 𒁖; 𒋗𒌒𒌈 | šubtum | seat, dwelling |
𒁲; 𒋗𒌌𒈬𒌝; 𒁲𒈬 | šulmum (m.) | completeness, intact state; well-being, health; safety, peace; good wishes, greeting |
𒈬; 𒋗𒈬𒌝 | šumum (m.); pl. šumū (m.), šumātum (f.) | name; offspring |
𒋗𒄣𒊒𒌝 | šūqurum, f. šūqurtum | very costly, precious, valuable |
𒁾, 𒅎, 𒅎𒁾, 𒁾𒁉; 𒁾𒁍𒌝 | ṭuppum (m., f.); pl. ṭuppū (m.), ṭuppātum (f.) | tablet, document, letter |
𒅇 | u | and |
𒆰, 𒊺𒆰; 𒍣𒊒𒌝, 𒍢𒊒𒌝, 𒍣𒂊𒀸, 𒍣𒂊𒊒, 𒍣𒊒 | zērum | seed |
𒄩𒆷; 𒍣𒀉𒌈 | zittum (f.); pl. zīzātu | share (of property), inheritance share |