Category Archives: Abañe’eng

Abañe’eng – 2017-11-03

Match the columns:

Che kyra puku. I’m so fat.
Ykua yvu ha vy’a jahahápe jajuhu. We find springs and joy everywhere.
Ndaikuaái. I work at the zoo.
Che ndaikuaai amo karai. What do you want to do?
Ehenói tahachi! I don’t know.
Añetehápe, nde ndaha’éi výra. Call the police!
Amba’apo mymbarendápe. With many women, love always comes first.
Heta kuñápe guarã, mborayhu tenonde va’erã. I don’t know who that man is.
Mba’e rejaposépa? You’re really not stupid.
Correct answers:
Che kyra puku.I’m so fat.
Ykua yvu ha vy’a jahahápe jajuhu.We find springs and joy everywhere.
Ndaikuaái.I don’t know.
Che ndaikuaai amo karai.I don’t know who that man is.
Ehenói tahachi!Call the police!
Añetehápe, nde ndaha’éi výra.You’re really not stupid.
Amba’apo mymbarendápe.I work at the zoo.
Heta kuñápe guarã, mborayhu tenonde va’erã.With many women, love always comes first.
Mba’e rejaposépa?What do you want to do?
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Abañe’eng – 2017-09-21

Match the columns:

Jehecha porãite! Are you Chinese or Japanese?
Ko’a ha’e vidéo ohechaha ha’ekuéra. What a beautiful sight!
Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton. Hello. This is Joe Carlton.
Mba’érepa nde nderekarui yva ha ka’avo? Here is the video that they watch.
Ndañemoaranduséi. Why don’t you eat vegetables?
Nde piko China pegua térã Hapõ pegua? I don’t feel like studying.
Correct answers:
Jehecha porãite!What a beautiful sight!
Ko’a ha’e vidéo ohechaha ha’ekuéra.Here is the video that they watch.
Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton.Hello. This is Joe Carlton.
Mba’érepa nde nderekarui yva ha ka’avo?Why don’t you eat vegetables?
Ndañemoaranduséi.I don’t feel like studying.
Nde piko China pegua térã Hapõ pegua?Are you Chinese or Japanese?
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Abañe’eng – 2017-08-23

Match the columns:

Aikove che sy ha che ru ndie. Are we already going?
Ejapómína peteĩ mba’e! Do something!
Ejapóna peteĩ mba’e! The bridge separates city A from city B.
Hasaha omboja’o táva A táva B pegua. May I speak to Michael?
Ikatu añe’ẽ Michael ndie? Do something!
Jaháma piko? I live with my parents.
Correct answers:
Aikove che sy ha che ru ndie.I live with my parents.
Ejapómína peteĩ mba’e!Do something!
Ejapóna peteĩ mba’e!Do something!
Hasaha omboja’o táva A táva B pegua.The bridge separates city A from city B.
Ikatu añe’ẽ Michael ndie?May I speak to Michael?
Jaháma piko?Are we already going?
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Abañe’eng – 2017-06-11

Translate these sentences:


1. Abañe’eng

Correct answer:

2. Maitei!

Correct answers:
Hello!; Hi!

3. Upearõ, mba’épa marandu pyahu?

Correct answer:
So, what’s new?

4. Huã ou Paraguáipe.

Correct answer:
Juan is from Paraguay.

5. Ha’e Paraguaigua.

Correct answer:
He is Paraguayan.

6. Kuarahy omokã yvy.

Correct answers:
The sun has dried up the ground.; The sun dried up the ground.; The sun dried the ground.; The sun has dried the ground.

7. Ygarata osẽta ko’ẽro Honolulupe guarã.

Correct answers:
The ship leaves for Honolulu tomorrow.; The ship leaves tomorrow for Honolulu.

8. Oikopa yperana Yvate Yvýpe?

Correct answers:
Do penguins live at the North Pole?; Do penguins live in the North Pole?

9. Omba’apo kuri peteĩ ary ha mbyte Holandape.

Correct answers:
He worked for one and a half years in the Netherlands.; He worked for a year and a half in the Netherlands.

10. Taro, ikatu reipytyvõ chéve?

Correct answers:
Taro, could you help me?; Taro, can you help me?

11. Tojejapo tendy!

Correct answer:
Let there be light!

->Click here to check your answers!<-

Abañe’eng – 2017-05-28



  • Che kyra puku.I’m so fat.
  • Ykua yvu ha vy’a jahahápe jajuhu.We find springs and joy everywhere.
  • Ndaikuaái.I don’t know.
  • Che ndaikuaai amo karai.I don’t know who that man is.
  • Ehenói tahachi!Call the police!
  • Añetehápe, nde ndaha’éi výra.You’re really not stupid.
  • Amba’apo mymbarendápe.I work at the zoo.
  • Heta kuñápe guarã, mborayhu tenonde va’erã.With many women, love always comes first.
  • Mba’e rejaposépa?What do you want to do?

Abañe’eng – 2017-05-13



  • Hasaha omboja’o táva A táva B pegua.The bridge separates city A from city B.
  • Jaháma piko?Are we already going?
  • Ko’a ha’e vidéo ohechaha ha’ekuéra.Here is the video that they watch.
  • Mba’érepa nde nderekarui yva ha ka’avo?Why don’t you eat vegetables?
  • Ejapóna peteĩ mba’e!Do something!
  • Ejapómína peteĩ mba’e!Do something!
  • Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton.Hello. This is Joe Carlton.
  • Ikatu añe’ẽ Michael ndie?May I speak to Michael?
  • Nde piko China pegua térã Hapõ pegua?Are you Chinese or Japanese?
  • Aikove che sy ha che ru ndie.I live with my parents.
  • Ndañemoaranduséi.I don’t feel like studying.
  • Jehecha porãite!What a beautiful sight!

Abañe’eng – 2017-04-29



  • Maitei!Hello!
  • Upearõ, mba’épa marandu pyahu?So, what’s new?
  • Huã ou Paraguáipe. Ha’e Paraguaigua.Juan is from Paraguay. He is Paraguayan.
  • Kuarahy omokã yvy.The sun has dried up the ground.
  • Ygarata osẽta ko’ẽro Honolulupe guarã.The ship leaves for Honolulu tomorrow.
  • Oikopa yperana Yvate Yvýpe?Do penguins live at the North Pole?
  • Omba’apo kuri peteĩ ary ha mbyte Holandape.He worked for one and a half years in the Netherlands.
  • Taro, ikatu reipytyvõ chéve?Taro, could you help me?
  • Tojejapo tendy!Let there be light!