Category Archives: Toki Pona

toki pona li toki sin. jan Sonja li pali e ona. nimi pi toki pona li kama tan toki mute. nimi toki li tan nimi talk pi toki Inli. nimi pona li tan nimi bona pi toki Epelanto.


  • ala: no, not, none, un-; nothing, negation, zero; no!; not, not such; no, not; no, zero, no quantity of; no, zero; un-, opposite of; un-;  the state, situation or general phenomenon of being ala; absence, emptiness, negation, nothing, zero.



  • akesi: non-cute animal, reptile, amphibian; creeping animal, a scaly or slimy animal that creeps on land; reptile, any air-breathing cold-blooded animal that crawls on land and has scales and bones; reptile; amphibian, any cold-blooded animal with bones that lives on both land and in water; amphibian; large arthropod, a large arthropod that lives on land; scorpion; like an akesi in appearance; having the characteristics or properties of an akesi.