Tag Archives: caplice

𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-26 (Lesson 3 Vocabulary)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2


𒁺; 𒀀𒆷𒆪𒌝 alākum (G, a-i, durative illak, perfect ittalak, preterite illik, imperative alik) to go
𒁲𒋻; 𒁕𒀀𒀀𒉡𒌝 dajjānum (dayyānum) judge
𒄑; 𒄿𒍪𒌝, 𒄿𒍮 iṣum tree, wood
𒆬𒌓; 𒄤𒁍𒌝 kaspum silver
𒆳; 𒅗𒊭𒁺𒌝, 𒅗𒃻𒁺 kašādum (G, a-u, durative ikaššad, perfect iktašad, preterite ikšud, imperative kušud) (ana with accusative) to arrive at (a place), to reach; to conquer
𒉺, 𒊏; 𒈠𒄩𒍮 maḫāṣum (G, a, durative imaḫḫaṣ, perfect imtaḫaṣ, preterite imḫaṣ, imperative maḫaṣ) to beat, to strike
𒀀, 𒀀𒎌, 𒀀𒄭𒀀; 𒈬𒌑, 𒈬𒌓 (m. pl.) water
𒋧; 𒈾𒁕𒉡𒌝 nadānum (G, i, durative inaddin, perfect ittadin, preterite iddin, imperative idin) to give
𒀀𒈾𒅗𒊍𒉿𒅎 𒈾𒁕𒉡𒌝 ana kaspim nadānum
to sell
𒈾𒅗𒋢𒌝 nakāsum (pres. inakkis, pret. ikkis) to cut down, to cut off
𒃻𒂵; 𒉆𒆪𒀸 namkūrum possession
𒈾𒊕𒀸 naṣārum (pres. inaṣṣar, pret. iṣṣur) to guard, to keep
𒈬, 𒍣; 𒉌𒋗𒌝 nīšum (in oaths) life, by the life [of]
𒉡𒌔𒋳 nuḫšum abundance
𒉺𒆷𒄷𒌝 palāḫum (a) to fear, reverence
𒉺𒋡𒁺𒌝 paqādum (i) to care for (acc.), to entrust (acc.) to (ana)
𒋻; 𒉺𒊏𒍪𒌝, 𒉺𒊏𒍮, 𒉺𒊏𒋢 parāsum (G, a-u, durative iparras, perfect iptaras, preterite iprus, imperative purus) to cut, to divide
𒉺𒊭𒌈 pašāṭum (i)
to erase, to efface
𒅗, 𒆇, 𒊩𒇬; 𒁍𒌑𒌝 pûm mouth; word(s), utterance, speech, command; mind, mood, opinion
𒌍𒁇; 𒁍𒊒𒊻𒋢𒌑 purussûm (purussā’um)
𒊏𒂵𒈬𒌝 ragāmum (u) to (raise a legal) claim
𒊑𒀉𒌈 rittum (f.) wrist, hand
𒁳; 𒍝𒁀𒌈 ṣabātum (a) to seize
𒃻; 𒊭𒅗𒀀𒉡𒌝, 𒃻𒅗𒉡 šakānum (a-u) to put, to place, to set
𒊭𒋡𒈝 šaqālum (a-u) to weigh (out), to pay
šarākum (a-u) to present, to dive
𒊭𒊏𒄣, 𒊭𒊏𒀀𒆪 šarāqum (i) to steal
𒋻; 𒊺𒁁𒀸 šebērum (i, pres. išebbir, tešebbir, ešebbir; pret. išbir; šebrum) to break
𒋳𒈠 šumma if
𒍝𒅗𒀸 zakārum to speak, to say, to name
𒈠𒄩𒅈 maḫar in front of, before


𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-25 (Lesson 2 Exercise 3 – Answers)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Answers to Exercise 3

(See Vocabulary)


    • 𒀀𒉿𒈝
      • awīlum
        • man, a man, the man (nom.)

    • 𒄿𒈾 𒂍𒀀𒉿𒅆
      • ina bīt awīlim

        • in a man’s house, in the man’s house

    • 𒀉𒋾 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
      • itti mār awīlim

        • with the man’s son

    • 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒀜 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
      • ina qāt mār awīlim

        • in the man’s son’s hand
      • ina šizib (?) abi awīlim
        • in the man’s son’s father’s milk 🙃

    • 𒀴𒂍𒃲
      • warad ēkallim
        • a slave of the palace

    • 𒀀𒈾𒂍𒅀
      • ana bītija

        • to my house

    • 𒄿𒈾𒂍𒃲𒅀
      • ina ēkallija

        • in my palace

    • 𒀀𒊏𒀭𒀀𒉿𒅆
      • aran awīlim

        • a man’s judgment

    • 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒋾𒅀
      • ina qātija

        • in my hand

    • 𒀀𒈾𒀀𒉿𒋾𒅀
      • ana awātija

        • to my word


𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-25 (Lesson 2 Exercise 3)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Exercise 3

[p. 23]

(See corresponding Vocabulary)


  • 𒀀𒉿𒈝
  • 𒄿𒈾 𒂍𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • 𒀉𒋾 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒀜 𒌉𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • 𒀴𒂍𒃲
  • 𒀀𒈾𒂍𒅀
  • 𒄿𒈾𒂍𒃲𒅀
  • 𒀀𒊏𒀭𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • 𒄿𒈾𒂵𒋾𒅀
  • 𒀀𒈾𒀀𒉿𒋾𒅀

See Answer

𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-25 (Lesson 2 Exercise 2 – Answers)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Answers to Exercise 2

(See Vocabulary)

(If your browser does not support ruby text, se the alternative version.)

  • the man’s son
    • mār awīlim

      • 𒌉 (𒈠 𒅈)
        𒇽 (𒀀 𒉿 𒅆)
  • with the man’s son
    • itti mār awīlim
      • 𒀉 𒋾
        𒌉 (𒈠 𒅈)
        𒇽 (𒀀 𒉿 𒅆)
  • his son
    • mārušu

      • 𒌉 (𒈠𒊒)
  • with his son
    • itti mārišu

      • 𒀉𒋾

        𒌉 (𒈠𒊑)
  • the man’s brother
    • aḫi awīlim

      • 𒋀(𒀀𒄭)
  • the man’s work
    • šipir awīlim

      • 𒆥(𒅆𒉿𒅕)
  • the man’s gift
    • nidinti awīlim

      • 𒃻𒋧𒈬(𒉌𒁲𒅔𒋾)
  • the man’s wife
    • aššat awīlim

      • 𒁮(𒀸𒊭𒀜)
  • the man’s dwelling
    • šubat awīlim

      • 𒆠𒆪(𒋗𒁀𒀜)
  • his tablet
    • ṭuppušu
      • 𒁾𒁍𒋗; 𒁾𒋗
  • their seal
    • kunukkašunu, kunukkašina
      • 𒁾(𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗)
        ; 𒁾(𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗)
  • your heart
    • libbaka (m.s.), libbaki (f.s.); libbakunu (m.pl.), libbakina (f.pl.)
      • 𒊮(𒇷𒅁𒁀)
        , 𒊮(𒇷𒅁𒁀)
        ; 𒊮(𒇷𒅁𒁀)
        , 𒊮(𒇷𒅁𒁀)
  • our maker
    • bānini
      • 𒁀𒀀𒉌𒉌, 𒁀𒉌𒉌
  • her son
    • māruša
      • 𒌉(𒈠𒀀𒊒)
  • my brother
    • aḫī
      • 𒋀(𒀀𒄭)
  • his father
    • abušu
      • 𒀜(𒀀𒁍)
        , 𒀀𒁀(𒀀𒁍)
        , 𒀊𒁀(𒀀𒁍)
  • my possession
    • bīšī
      • 𒁉𒄿𒅆𒄿, 𒁉𒅆
  • their bones
    • eṣemtišunu (m.pl.), eṣemtišina (f.pl.)
      • 𒄊𒉻𒁺(𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾)𒋗𒉡, 𒄊𒉻𒁺(𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾)𒅆𒈾
  • my word
    • awātī
      • 𒅗(𒀀𒉿𒀀𒋾)𒄿
  • her small queen
    • šarrassa ṣeḫertum
      • 𒊩𒈗(𒊬𒊏𒊍)𒊓𒌉(𒍢𒄭𒅕𒌈)
  • with my share
    • itti zittija
      • 𒀉𒋾𒄩𒆷(𒍣𒀉𒋾)𒅀
  • his tenant farmer
    • errēššu (?) [ errēšušu ?]
      • 𒇽𒀳𒇲(𒅕𒊑𒌍)𒋗


𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2024-04-25 (Lesson 2 Exercise 2 – Answers – NO RUBY)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Answers to Exercise 2

(See Vocabulary)

(See a version of this page using ruby text)

  • the man’s son
    • mār awīlim
      • 𒌉𒇽; 𒈠𒅈𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • with the man’s son
    • itti mār awīlim
      • 𒀉𒋾𒌉𒇽; 𒀉𒋾𒈠𒅈𒀀𒉿𒅆
  • his son
    • mārušu
      • 𒈠𒊒𒋗; 𒌉𒋗
  • with his son
    • itti mārišu
      • 𒀉𒋾𒈠𒊑𒋗; 𒀉𒋾 𒌉𒋗
  • the man’s brother
    • aḫi awīlim
      • 𒀀𒄭𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒋀 𒇽
  • the man’s work
    • šipir awīlim
      • 𒅆𒉿𒅕𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒆥 𒇽
  • the man’s gift
    • nidinti awīlim
      • 𒉌𒁲𒅔𒋾𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒃻𒋧𒈬 𒇽
  • the man’s wife
    • aššat awīlim
      • 𒀸𒊭𒀜𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒁮 𒇽
  • the man’s dwelling
    • šubat awīlim
      • 𒋗𒁀𒀜𒀀𒉿𒅆; 𒆠𒆪 𒇽
  • his tablet
    • ṭuppušu
      • 𒁾𒁍𒋗; 𒁾𒋗
  • their seal
    • kunukkašunu, kunukkašina
      • 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗𒋗𒉡, 𒆪𒉡𒊌𒅗𒅆𒈾; 𒁾𒋗𒉡, 𒁾𒅆𒈾
  • your heart
    • libbaka (m.s.), libbaki (f.s.); libbakunu (m.pl.), libbakina (f.pl.)
      • 𒊮𒅗, 𒊮𒆠; 𒊮𒆪𒉡, 𒊮𒆠𒈾 /𒇷𒅁𒁀𒅗 &c.
  • our maker
    • bānini
      • 𒁀𒀀𒉌𒉌, 𒁀𒉌𒉌
  • her son
    • māruša
      • 𒌉𒊭; 𒈠𒀀𒊒𒊭
  • my brother
    • aḫī
      • 𒋀𒄿; 𒀀𒄭𒄿
  • his father
    • abušu
      • 𒀜𒋗, 𒀀 𒁀𒋗, 𒀊 𒁀𒋗; 𒀀 𒁍𒋗
  • my possession
    • bīšī
      • 𒁉𒄿𒅆𒄿, 𒁉𒅆
  • their bones
    • eṣemtišunu (m.pl.), eṣemtišina (f.pl.)
      • 𒄊𒉻𒁺𒋗𒉡, 𒄊𒉻𒁺𒅆𒈾; 𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾𒋗𒉡, 𒂊𒍣𒅎𒋾𒅆𒈾
  • my word
    • awātī
      • 𒅗𒄿; 𒀀𒉿𒀀𒋾𒄿, 𒀀𒉿𒋾𒄿
  • her small queen
    • šarrassa ṣeḫertum
      • 𒃽𒊓 𒌉, 𒊩𒈗𒊓 𒌉; 𒊬𒊏𒊍𒊓𒍢𒄭𒅕𒌈
  • with my share
    • itti zittija
      • 𒀉𒋾 𒄩𒆷𒅀; 𒀉𒋾𒍣𒀉𒋾𒅀
  • his tenant farmer
    • errēššu (?) [ errēšušu ?]
      • 𒇽𒀳𒇲𒋗; 𒅕𒊑𒌍𒋗


𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-24 (Lesson 2 Exercise 2)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Exercise 2

[p. 23]

(See corresponding Vocabulary)

Translate into Akkadian:

  • the man’s son
  • with the man’s son
  • his son
  • with his son
  • the man’s brother
  • the man’s work
  • the man’s gift
  • the man’s wife
  • the man’s dwelling
  • his tablet
  • their seal
  • your heart
  • our maker
  • her son
  • my brother
  • his father
  • my possession
  • their bones
  • my word
  • her small queen
  • with my share
  • his tenant farmer

See Answer

𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑 – 2022-04-23 (Lesson 2 Exercise 1)

Vocabulary & Exercises from Introduction to Akkadian (Caplice)

Lesson 2

Exercise 1

[p. 23]

(See corresponding Vocabulary)

Normalize and translate:

    • be-el ša-me-e ù er-ṣe-tim.
    • a-ra-an di-nim.
    • i-na qa-at mār a-wi-lim.
    • aš-ša-at a-wi-lim.
    • aš-ša-sú.
    • warad ekallim.
    • šàr mi-ša-ri-im.
    • li-ib-bi dMarduk.
    • zērum da-rí-um ša šar-ru-tim.
    • mār a-wi-lim ṣe-eḫ-ra-am.
    • ša-lu-uš-ti eqlim.
    • ṣi-ba-sú.
    • it-ti be-el-ti-ša.
    • be-le-sà.
    • e-li-šù.
    • it-ti-šu-nu.
    • re-ú-si-na.
    • be-el-ni.
    • eṣemti warad a-wi-lim.
    • šum-šu ṣi-ra-am.
    • i-na li-ib-bi-šu.
    • a-na be-lí-šu.
    • bīs-sú (É-sú).
    • zitta-šu.
    • a-na aš-ša-ti-šu.
    • a-wa-ti-ia šu-qú-ra-tim.
    • di-ni.
    • ma-sú.
    • a-na ni-ši-šu.
    • er-re-šum.
    • er-re-su.
    • be-el ḫu-ul-qí-im.
    • ḫu-lu-uq-šu.

See Answer