Tag Archives: granni

Noun declension in Faroese: masculine nouns

Faroese has masculine, feminine and neuter nouns. Nouns inflect for case (nominative, accusative & dative) and definiteness (indefinite & definite).

Here goes the indefinite inflection only:

Masculine noun: armur “arm”

Sing. Pl.
Nom. armur armar
Acc. arm
Dat. armi ørmum


Masculine noun: granni “neighbour”

Sing. Pl.
Nom. granni grannar
Acc. granna
Dat. grannum


From what I can see, it looks like there are two types of masculine nouns: those ending in -ur and those with other endings. The book says something about human / non-human / animate / inanimate, but I couldn’t quite understand the whole thing (the text seems to contradict the illustration, I don’t know).