- sin: new, fresh, another, more; to renew, renovate, freshen.
Tag Archives: sin
sin – Toki Pona – Word of the Day – 2015-10-15
Esperanto – 2014-07-10
Falsaj amikoj (hispana)
El https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Esperanto/Appendix/False_friends#Spanish
Spanish Word (Palabra en español) | Correct Esperanto Word (Palabra correcta en esperanto) | False Friend (Falso amigo) | Definition of the False Friend (Definición del falso amigo) |
churro | benjeto | ĉuro | esperma |
el | la | el | de |
planeta | planedo | planeto | plano pequeño |
puta | putino | puto | fuente |
rostro | vizaĝo | rostro | trompa |
sed | soifo | sed | pero |
sin | sen | sin | se |
tía | onklino | tia | tal, así |
tío | onklo | tio | eso, aquello |
Esperanto – 2014-06-16
“Falsaj amikoj” (angla)
El https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Esperanto/Appendix/False_friends#English
English Word | Correct Esperanto Word | False Friend | Definition of the False Friend |
(to be) able | povi, kapabli | ebli | to be possible |
abort | abortigi | aborti | suffer miscarriage |
adult | plenkreskulo | adulti | commit adultery (sex with married person) |
affair (love affair) | amafero | afero | thing, affair (not necessary a love affair) |
arrow | sago | aro | group, collection |
attend | prizorgi (malsanulon), ĉeesti (spektaklon) | atendi | to wait for, to expect |
ball (for throwing) | pilko, globo | balo | ball (for dancing) |
bone | osto | bone | well (good) |
closet | kamero | klozeto | flush toilet |
crayon | paŝtelo | krajono | pencil |
curious | scivola | kurioza | odd, interesting |
demand (noun) | postulo | demando | question |
dick | kaco, peniso | dika | thick |
dike | digo | dike | thick; in a thick way ; thickly |
dung | fekaĵo | dungo | employment |
dyke | (viraspekta) samseksemulino | dike | thick; in a thick way; thickly |
enter | eniri | enterigi | to bury, to inter |
fake | trompa, artefarita | fake | according to department; by specialty; by specialization |
fart | furzi | farti | to fare |
fine | delikata, fajna (thin), monpuno (monetary fine) | fine | finally |
for | por | for | away |
forest | arbaro, forsto | foresto | absence |
fuck | fiki | fako | department |
glove | ganto | glavo | sword |
inside | interne (de) | inside | insidiously |
internet | interreto | interneto | insides (noun, diminutivized) |
ion | jono | ion | something (accusative) |
large | granda | larĝa | wide |
live | viva, vivi | live | to the left |
male | virseksa | male | in the opposite way |
memorize | parkerigi | memori | to remember |
muse | muzo | muso | mouse |
novel | romano | novelo | short story |
nun | monaĥino | nun | now |
organ (musical instrument) | orgeno (ankaŭ) | organo | organ (of the body) |
paragraph | alineo | paragrafo | (1) section (the subdivision of a chapter of a legal or technical document). Ankaŭ, (2) Section Symbol (§) |
parents | gepatroj | parencoj | relatives |
participate | partopreni | participo | participle (grammatical term) |
peach | persiko | piĉo | vagina, vulva |
penis | peniso | penis | made an effort, tried |
petite | malgranda (ĝenerale je virinaj vestaĵoj) | petite | having been asked/requested |
pollution | poluado | polucio | nocturnal emission |
redact | cenzuri | redakti | to edit |
restoration | restaŭrado | restoracio | restaurant |
remark | diri | rimarki | notice |
salt | salo | salti | to jump |
sane | sanmensa | sana | healthy |
shat | fekis | ŝati | appreciate |
sin | peko, peki | sin | oneself/themselves (accusative) |
sin | peko, peki | sino | bosom, breast, lap |
soft | mola (ankaŭ) | softa (neologismo anstataŭ mallaŭta) | quiet, soft-spoken, sotto voce |
sort | speco, ordigi | sorto | fate |
stare | rigardi fixe | stari | to stand |
tend | varti | tendo | tent |
tent | tendo | tenti | tempt, seduce |
toilet (for human waste) | klozeto, necesejo | tualeto | dressing up |
true | vera | truo | hole |
turd | feko | turdo | thrush (bird) |
UK | Britio | UK | Esperanto world congress |
vegetable | legomo | vegetalo | plant |
via | per | via | your, yours |
whore | putino | horo | hour |