PULC/British English/E/IV/8

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Panglossa Universal Language Course: British English
I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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[[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|British English}}|British English]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑}}|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Català}}|Català]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Čeština}}|Čeština]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Cymraeg}}|Cymraeg]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Deutsch}}|Deutsch]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|ÈdèYorùbá}}|ÈdèYorùbá]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Español}}|Español]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Esperanto}}|Esperanto]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Français}}|Français]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Gaeilge}}|Gaeilge]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|IsiXhosa}}|IsiXhosa]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Italiano}}|Italiano]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Kiswahili}}|Kiswahili]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|LATINA}}|LATINA]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Magyar}}|Magyar]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Nederlands}}|Nederlands]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Nheengatu}}|Nheengatu]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Português}}|Português]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖}}|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Română}}|Română]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Runasimi}}|Runasimi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Shqip}}|Shqip]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Suomi}}|Suomi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Svenska}}|Svenska]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Tiếng Việt}}|Tiếng Việt]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Türkçe}}|Türkçe]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Ελληνικά}}|Ελληνικά]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Ἑλληνική}}|Ἑλληνική]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Русский}}|Русский]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|ქართული}}|ქართული]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|ייִדיש}}|ייִדיש]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|עברית}}|עברית]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|العَرَبِية‎}}|العَرَبِية‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|فارسی}}|فارسی]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|संस्कृतम्}}|संस्कृतम्]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎}}|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|తెలుగు}}|తెలుగు]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Thai}}|ภาษาไทย]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|中文}}|中文]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|日本語}}|日本語]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|Coptic}}|ⲧⲙⲛ̄ⲧⲣⲙ̄ⲛ̄ⲕⲏⲙⲉ]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/IV/8|British English|한국어}}|한국어]]

How old

  • –How old are you?
    • –I am twenty years old.
  • –When is your birthday?
    • –It is in January.
  • –How old is your father?
    • –He is fifty-three.
  • –How old is your mother?
    • –She is forty-five years old.
  • –So, she is eight years younger than your father.
    • –Yes, and my father is eight years older than my mother.
  • –And you are thirty-three years younger than your father, and twenty-five years younger than your mother.
    • –Right. And you, how old are you?
  • –I am twenty-seven.
    • –So, you are seven years older than me.
  • –Right, and you are seven years younger than me.
    • –You are also twenty-five years younger than my father, and seventeen years younger than my mother.
  • –Yes. And you are the youngest.
    • –No, my sister is the youngest.
  • –How old is she?
    • –She is seventeen years old.
  • –So, she is three years younger than you, and eleven years younger than me.
    • –Right. And she is thirty-six years younger than my father.
  • –And twenty-eight years younger than your mother.
    • –How old is your car?
  • –It is two years old.
    • –And your computer?
  • –It is one year old.
    • –So, your car is older than your computer.
  • –No, my computer is newer than my car.
    • –Is not it the same thing?
  • –Yes, of course. . .
    • –My motorcycle is ten years old; your motorcycle is new.
  • –So, your motorcycle is cheaper than mine.
    • –Yes, it is. And that other motorcycle is forty years old.
  • –So, it is much cheaper than yours.
    • –No, it is very expensive. It is more expensive than mine and more expensive than yours.
  • –Really?
    • –Yes, because it is a rare motorcycle.