PULC/British English/S/V/9

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Panglossa Universal Language Course: British English
I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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[[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|British English}}|British English]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑}}|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Català}}|Català]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Čeština}}|Čeština]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Cymraeg}}|Cymraeg]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Deutsch}}|Deutsch]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|ÈdèYorùbá}}|ÈdèYorùbá]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Español}}|Español]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Esperanto}}|Esperanto]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Français}}|Français]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Gaeilge}}|Gaeilge]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|IsiXhosa}}|IsiXhosa]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Italiano}}|Italiano]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Kiswahili}}|Kiswahili]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|LATINA}}|LATINA]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Magyar}}|Magyar]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Nederlands}}|Nederlands]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Nheengatu}}|Nheengatu]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Português}}|Português]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖}}|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Română}}|Română]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Runasimi}}|Runasimi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Shqip}}|Shqip]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Suomi}}|Suomi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Svenska}}|Svenska]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Tiếng Việt}}|Tiếng Việt]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Türkçe}}|Türkçe]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Ελληνικά}}|Ελληνικά]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Ἑλληνική}}|Ἑλληνική]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Русский}}|Русский]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|ქართული}}|ქართული]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|ייִדיש}}|ייִדיש]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|עברית}}|עברית]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|العَرَبِية‎}}|العَرَبِية‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|فارسی}}|فارسی]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|संस्कृतम्}}|संस्कृतम्]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎}}|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|తెలుగు}}|తెలుగు]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Thai}}|ภาษาไทย]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|中文}}|中文]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|日本語}}|日本語]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|Coptic}}|ⲧⲙⲛ̄ⲧⲣⲙ̄ⲛ̄ⲕⲏⲙⲉ]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/S/V/9|British English|한국어}}|한국어]]


  • From the Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia that anyone can change

Transport, or transportation, is the movement of people and goods or products from one place to another place. Transport can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles and operations.

There are three main kinds of transportation. they are:

  • land transportation using trucks on roads or trains on railways
  • water transportation using barges in canals or boats in the sea
  • air transportation using aeroplanes and airports

Infrastructure does include roads, railways, airways, canals and pipelines.

The infrastructure is the network where things are carried. Infrastructure does also include airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports (docks). Infrastructure is usually built by governments and paid for by taxes from the citizens of a country or region. Infrastructure such as roads and railways are designed by civil engineers and urban planners.

Vehicles or vessels travel on the infrastructure. Vehicles include cars, trucks, trains and aeroplanes. Vehicles are usually designed by mechanical engineers. Vessels do include boats, ferries, and barges which do travel on canals and do use docks and seaports. In the same way that trains do use train stations, aeroplanes do use airports. In the same way that trains do use railway lines (train tracks), aeroplanes do use flight paths.

Operations do control the system. Operations do include traffic signals, railway signals and air traffic control. Operations do also include the government policies (a policy is a plan of action to guide decisions and actions) and regulations (a set or group of laws and rules) used to control the system, such as tolls, fuel taxes, and traffic laws.

Transport and communication can be used instead of each other (someone could telephone a person rather than visit him). But the growth in traffic is only possible because of communication (for example, air traffic control does mean that more aeroplanes can fly). So an increase of either transport or communication does usually lead to an increase in the other one.

Transport does use a lot of energy. Most transports do use hydrocarbons (oil and gas). This can create pollution. Environmental regulations (laws) and low-pollution fuels (for example liquefied natural gas) can reduce pollution.

But as more vehicles are used, more pollution is created.