PULC/British English/E/Review/5

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Panglossa Universal Language Course: British English
I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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I II III IV V Re-view

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[[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|British English}}|British English]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑}}|𒀝𒅗𒁺𒌑]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Català}}|Català]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Čeština}}|Čeština]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Cymraeg}}|Cymraeg]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Deutsch}}|Deutsch]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|ÈdèYorùbá}}|ÈdèYorùbá]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Español}}|Español]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Esperanto}}|Esperanto]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Français}}|Français]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Gaeilge}}|Gaeilge]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|IsiXhosa}}|IsiXhosa]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Italiano}}|Italiano]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Kiswahili}}|Kiswahili]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|LATINA}}|LATINA]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Magyar}}|Magyar]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Nederlands}}|Nederlands]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Nheengatu}}|Nheengatu]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Português}}|Português]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖}}|𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Română}}|Română]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Runasimi}}|Runasimi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Shqip}}|Shqip]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Suomi}}|Suomi]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Svenska}}|Svenska]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Tiếng Việt}}|Tiếng Việt]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Türkçe}}|Türkçe]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Ελληνικά}}|Ελληνικά]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Ἑλληνική}}|Ἑλληνική]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Русский}}|Русский]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|ქართული}}|ქართული]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|ייִדיש}}|ייִדיש]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|עברית}}|עברית]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|العَرَبِية‎}}|العَرَبِية‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|فارسی}}|فارسی]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|संस्कृतम्}}|संस्कृतम्]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎}}|हिन्दी/اُردُو‎]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|తెలుగు}}|తెలుగు]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Thai}}|ภาษาไทย]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|中文}}|中文]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|日本語}}|日本語]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|Coptic}}|ⲧⲙⲛ̄ⲧⲣⲙ̄ⲛ̄ⲕⲏⲙⲉ]] [[{{#replace:PULC/British English/E/Review/5|British English|한국어}}|한국어]]

Elementary Level - Review 5

My city is not very big. But it is also not very small. It is a normal city.

There are not many high buildings in my city, but there are many simple houses and some low buildings.

There is a library. There are many books, newspapers and magazines in the library.

There are some schools. Most of them are small schools, but there are two or three big schools.

There are three post offices and three police offices.

In the downtown there are many stores and shops. There is also a mall, but it is not very big.

There is a stadium in my city. Sometimes there is a soccer match there, and sometimes there are basketball games there.

The weather here is very warm, almost the whole year. In spring there is a lot of rain. We don’t have snow in my city.

There are many dogs in my city, in the houses but also on the streets.

My city has a zoo, but it is small and doesn’t have many animals.

It is not a very beautiful city, but it is not very ugly, too.