Tag Archives: otec

Čeština – 2015-11-21

Comparison of declensions between Русский, Slovenčina & Čeština

Masculine noun: отец / otec – father


Русский Slovenčina Čeština
nominative singular оте́ц otec otec
genitive singular отца́ otca otce
dative singular отцу́ otcovi otcovi, otci
accusative singular отца́ otca otce
instrumental singular отцо́м otcom otcem
prepositional/locative singular отце́ otcovi otcovi, otci
Русский Slovenčina Čeština
nominative plural отцы́ otcovia otcové
genitive plural отцо́в otcov otců
dative plural отца́м otcom otcům
accusative plural отцо́в otcov otce
instrumental plural отца́ми otcami otci
prepositional/locative plural отца́х otcoch otcích



Slovenčina – 2014-07-25


Rodina – The Family

  • rodičia – parents
  • otec – father (formal)
  • ocinko, oco, oci, tatinko, tato, tati – father, dad (colloquial)
  • matka – mother (formal)
  • mamička, maminka, mama, mami – mother, mom (colloquial)
  • súrodenci – siblings
  • brat – brother
  • sestra – sestra
  • dieťa (n.) – child
  • syn – son
  • dcéra – daughter
  • stará mama, babka, babička – grandmother
  • starý otec, dedko, deduško – grandfather
  • vnuk – grandson
  • vnučka – granddaughter
  • teta – aunt (mother’s sister)
  • ujo – uncle (mother’s brother)
  • stryná – aunt (father’s sister)
  • strýko – uncle (father’s brother)
  • bratranec – male cousin
  • sesternica – female cousin
  • synovec – nephew
  • neter – niece
  • manžel – husband
  • muž – man, also colloquial for ‘husband’
  • manželka – wife
  • žena – woman, also colloquial for ‘wife’
  • snúbenec – fiancé (male)
  • snúbenica – fiancée (female)
  • zať – son-in-law
  • nevesta – daughter-in-law (also means ‘bride’)
  • svokra – mother-in-law (the butt of many Slovak jokes)
  • svokor – father-in-law
  • švagor – brother-in-law
  • švagriná – sister-in-law
  • krstný otec – godfather
  • krstná mama – godmother
  • priateľ – good male friend, or boyfriend
  • priateľka – good female friend, or girlfriend
  • frajer – boyfriend (colloquial, and always romantic)
  • frajerka – girlfriend (colloquial, and always romantic)
  • kamarát – male friend
  • kamarátka – female friend